Advanced NDT Solutions

Global Advanced NDT Services

Global Advanced NDT Services

Global Advanced NDT Services provides a comprehensive array of Advanced NDT techniques to a worldwide client base. Working with its international partners to develop and support quality advanced inspection technologies in the field.  Specialising in Phased Array Ultrasonics (Complex Geometries and Austenitic Materials); Short Range Ultrasonic Testing (SRUT) Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD); HDPE & PPH Piping Inspections; Tube Inspection Services (RFT/ECT/NFT/IRIS); ACFM & Eddy Current Array; In-situ Metallurgy Replication; PAUT Boiler Tube Inspection; PAUT LNG Storage Tank Inspection; Pulsed Eddy Current Testing (PEC); 3D MFL Floor Scanning; Reformer Tube Inspection; Long Range UT; Short Range UT and Automated Corrosion Mapping.  ANS provides all of these services always maintaining Quality & Integrity.

Advanced NDT Solutions can help support local NDT companies improve their ability to provide all of these Advanced Services to their existing clients.

Click and drag mouse across the different countries to see further information on projects ANS have supported.