Global Advanced NDT Services
Global Advanced NDT Services provides a comprehensive array of Advanced NDT techniques to a worldwide client base. Working with its international partners to develop and support quality advanced inspection technologies in the field. Specialising in Phased Array Ultrasonics (Complex Geometries and Austenitic Materials); Short Range Ultrasonic Testing (SRUT) Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD); HDPE & PPH Piping Inspections; Tube Inspection Services (RFT/ECT/NFT/IRIS); ACFM & Eddy Current Array; In-situ Metallurgy Replication; PAUT Boiler Tube Inspection; PAUT LNG Storage Tank Inspection; Pulsed Eddy Current Testing (PEC); 3D MFL Floor Scanning; Reformer Tube Inspection; Long Range UT; Short Range UT and Automated Corrosion Mapping. ANS provides all of these services always maintaining Quality & Integrity.
Advanced NDT Solutions can help support local NDT companies improve their ability to provide all of these Advanced Services to their existing clients.