PATscan M3
It is our pleasure to introduce the PATscan M3 is a highly versatile motorized scanner. It may be used for a wide range of ultrasonic inspection tasks, such as TOFD and Phased Array inspections.
Main features of the PATscan M3
- Light and compact design
- Height 120 mm
- Easily adjustable
- Adjustable speed from 3 mm/s to 66 mm/s
- Magnetic wheels
- For OD scanning, suitable from 4” diameter to flat surfaces
- For ID scanning, suitable from 8” diameter and greater
- Probe holders maybe fitted in front or on the side off the scanner for single sided access.
- Motor with Incremental encoder
- Completely compatible with all types of data acquisition systems, by independent motor control unit.
- 12v motor
- Motor control unit, with fully digital control, Position (Go To) Positive /negative, Speed control, Home, Choice between digital and/or joystick control, reverse during scanning, emergency stop, build in battery for controller and motor power.
Or analogue controller with Speed control, forward, backward, build in battery for motor power.
- Standard fitted with one universal adjustable fully gimballed adjustable probe holders, turn able between 0⁰ – 90⁰ to the weld axis.
Standard fitted with 5 mm pins. Other diameters available.
- Can carry up to 4 probes.
- Optional: Chain for scanning Nonmagnetic materials as HDPE and austenitic materials.
The PATscan is designed and manufactured in The Netherlands and is available from Advanced NDT Solutions.