Failure Analysis
Failure Analysis : The term Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) has been associated with equipment reliability for the past twenty years or so and is generally understood to mean find and fix the causes of equipment failure. Many companies have no structured failure analysis. Instead, they operate on the breakdown maintenance system: If something breaks, they fix it, but they don’t ask why it failed. When the problem happens a few more times, they may look for a root cause and fix it differently. These organizations often have measuring systems that record how long it took to repair a failure. Maintenance personnel get very good at repairing the equipment, but the failures keep happening.
Organizations that are striving to learn and improve often have some formal root cause analysis program but the effectiveness is often limited and repeat failures are not uncommon. Unfortunately, in most businesses today, the majority of failures will be repeated and they will be repeated simply because the employees have never learned effective problem solving skills
A failure investigation at ANS will get you reliable answers when a metal product does not meet performance expectations. Our engineers will conduct an extensive failure investigation to uncover clues that will provide insight into the root cause of failure. They also help you understand ways to prevent a reoccurence in the future.
Based on the type of product and its history, we will perform the necessary testing and inspections to identify the root cause of the failure. The wide-range of mechanical testing, metallurgical evaluation, chemical analysis, non-destructive testing and dimensional inspection services performed at our laboratory assure that we get the structural and behavioural results necessary to provide a thorough investigation into the cause of failure.
Top-of-the-line equipment is used throughout the Lab. When all results of the investigation are gathered and analyzed, our metallurgical engineers will prepare a comprehensive Failure Investigation Report of all findings, supporting materials and recommendations.